An overview of Geospatial Data Models
- Vector and raster data model
- Coordinate systems and map projection
Handling Geospatial Data in R: An Overview
Simple features approach
- sf package
School of Computing and Information Systems,
Singapore Management University
21 Feb 2023
An overview of Geospatial Data Models
Handling Geospatial Data in R: An Overview
Simple features approach
A coordinate system is an important property of an geospatial data. It provides a location reference to the geospatial data.
GCS define locations on the earth using a three-dimensional spherical surface. For example, WGS84.
They provides accuracy position information. Unit of measurement will be in either decimal degree or degree-minute-second format.
GCS, however, are not appropriate for distance and area measurements. In this figure, it is clear that 1 degree distance at the north pole is relatively shorter than 1 degree at the equator.
Based on a map projection such as transverse Mercator, Albers equal area, or Robinson.
PCS provides consistent length and area measurement across space. Hence, it is important to transform a geospatial data from GCS to PCS before performing geospatial analysis. provides a comprehensive list of country coordinate systems such as svy21.
+proj=tmerc +lat_0=1.366666666666667 +lon_0=103.8333333333333 +k=1 +x_0=28001.642 +y_0=38744.572 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
feature: abstraction of real world phenomena (type or instance); has a geometry and other attributes (properties)
simple feature: feature with all geometric attributes described piecewise by straight line or planar interpolation between sets of points (no curves)
It is a hierarchical data model that simplifies geographic data by condensing a complex range of geographic forms into a single geometry class.
To begin with, all contributed packages for handling spatial data in R had different representations of the data. This made it difficult to exchange data both within R between packages, and between R and external le formats and applications.
The first general package to provide classes and methods for spatial data types that was developed for R is called sp. It was first released on CRAN in 2005.
In late October 2016, sf was first released on CRAN to provide standardised support for vector data in R.
In general, three R packages will be used to handle vector-based geospatial data in spatial classes, they are:
Source: Tidy spatial data analysis
Geospatial data handling
Geometric confirmation
Geometric operations
Geometry creation
Geometry operations
Geometric measurement
Sample code chunk:
Sample code chunk to import kml file:
The commands below compare two sf data object and return a sparse matrix with matching (TRUE) indexes, or a full logical matrix.
These commands overlay two sf data frames.
The commands below perform unary operations on simple feature geometry sets.